A)Greek side:
1) Spartan
Regulars* (spear/sword/shield)
Can pick up spear
and sword
attacks:spear overhead thrust/sword thrust/shield bash
Spartan Polemarch/Enemotarch* (spear/sword/shield)
Can pick up spear
and sword
attacks:spear overhead thrust/sword thrust/shield bash
It differs from regulars in level of elite
3)athenian regulars (spear/shield/sword)
Can pick up spear
and sword
attacks:spear overhead thrust/sword thrust/shield bash
(same as spartans...basically
the difference
between them is the color of armor and shield and the
level of elite the spartans have..)
4)Thespian Hoplites: same as athenian regulars, but different armour and helmet desing and colours. Have better
range of sighting as their helmets are open. Less armour though.
attacks:spear overhead
thrust/sword thrust/shield bash
5)Heavy Cavalry** (Spear/sword)
cannot pick up
any kind of weapons, if spear breakes, they fight with sword.
Attacks: spear & sword as melee weapons.
6)Spartan Helots:
slaves used as squires and light
squirmishers “peltasts” (javelins/dagger)
Can pick up ONLY
javelins. Javelin throw / Dagger stab. Dagger is default attack.
Archers on greek side, their range
is less than that of the Persian archers that used composite bow,though they fired faster.
attacks:arrow regular/flaming
8)Rhodian Slingers:
light squirmishers that hurl stones with a sling. Their range of attack is
far bigger than that of archers, even Persian archers, though the stones hurt less than arrows.
Stone sling / dagger
b)Persian side:
1)Immortals* (bow/dagger/spear/sword) can pick up Only
underarm thrust/dagger thrust/arrow regular/flaming
Horsemen* (bow,comes with default)
regular/flaming arrow
3)Persian cavalry: horsemen
they fight throwing javelins
and once they run out of them fight with swords.
attacks: Javelin
throw / sword stab
They are basically light cavalry used to pursue fleeing units.
4) Egyptian infantrymen: heavy infantrymen armed lightly but with axes that deliver a nasty punch on close range.
Attack: axe blow
5) Median swordsmen: light armed swordsmen. They have little armor, and their sword, basically an obsolete slashing
sword has almost no effect on Greek heavy armour.
Attacks: sword
6) Median spearmen:
so slow and lightly armored, no match for Greek hoplites.
Attacks: spear
underarm thrust
c)Mercenaires to both sides:
1)Thracian Peltasts :basically
the Thracian peltasts can carry more javelins than Helots and throw the javelins faster and run faster also.
(javelins/dagger) Can pick up ONLY javelins dagger is default attack.
attacks:dagger thrust/javelin