Right now I'm doing this new versions of the hoplites you can see named Spartan regulars to make the game look even better.
It takes a LLLLOOOOOOOOONGGGGG time as I'm doing renders of each of the sprites in high quality....
So it will take a while.........
Below you can see the original units with props I did in meshworks and the improved version with professional made props...
Also the improved hoplite of the bottom is rendered in high quality and antialiased to even make it better looking...
Just see the difference in the cloak (that's exactly the same) to see how much it improves in high quality antialiased

Original Spartan regular unit attacking |

Actual Spartan regular unit (note the improved look) |
Although the original units I did with meshworks and uv paintings/photoshop looked pretty good in myth as they are smaller
and loose detail anyways...
I thought that it was worth to get some professional props in the middle and blend them altogether to recreate the pics
I got in books as to how they should have looked back in those days...